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Showing 56 - 109 of 109 Results

ITRC: Evapotranspiration

Intermediate | Landscape (1 CEU)

Online course from the Irrigation Training & Research Center.

A plant’s evapotranspiration rate defines how quickly water is transpired through the plant and evaporated from the soil surface. The ET rate varies based on a variety of different factors and is an important component of a good irrigation schedule. This class does not qualify for TCEQ. This class does count for one New Jersey CECs/WC and one North Carolina CEs.

NOTE: Instructions for accessing class should be emailed within 5 minutes of purchase


ITRC: Irrigation System Components

Beginner | Landscape (3 CEUs)

Online course from the Irrigation Training & Research Center.

The success of an irrigation system design depends on an understanding of the components of an irrigation system and how they work within the system. Irrigation systems vary by location, size and type, but there are several general categories of components that you will need to be familiar with before designing a system. This class does not qualify for TCEQ. This class does count for three New Jersey CECs and three North Carolina CEs.

NOTE: Instructions for accessing class should be emailed within 5 minutes of purchase


ITRC: Landscape Irrigation Auditor

Intermediate | Landscape (4 CEUs)

Online course from the Irrigation Training & Research Center.

Irrigation auditing is a method for inspecting and measuring how effectively sprinklers are working to apply water evenly within an irrigated area. This module goes over the five basic steps of preparing for and performing an audit on a landscape irrigation system. This class does not qualify for TCEQ. This class does count for four New Jersey CECs/WC and four North Carolina CEs.

NOTE: Instructions for accessing class should be emailed within 5 minutes of purchase


ITRC: Landscape Sprinkler Design

Advanced | Landscape (8 CEUs)

Online course from the Irrigation Training & Research Center.

This module outlines the nine basic steps of creating a workable landscape irrigation system design. The program begins with collecting site data and covers computing component sizes, choosing locations for components and calculating runtimes. This class does not qualify for TCEQ. This class does count for eight New Jersey CECs/WC and eight North Carolina CEs.

NOTE: Instructions for accessing class should be emailed within 5 minutes of purchase


ITRC: Scheduling for Auditors

Intermediate | Landscape (2 CEUs)

Online course from the Irrigation Training & Research Center.

The Irrigation Association provides three simple worksheets to help an auditor create an irrigation schedule: the simple schedule worksheet, the designated watering days schedule worksheet, and the soil moisture irrigation schedule worksheet. This module goes over each of the three worksheets and gives an overview of what to expect from the system controller. This class does not qualify for TCEQ. This class does count for two New Jersey CECs/WC and two North Carolina CEs.

NOTE: Instructions for accessing class should be emailed within 5 minutes of purchase


ITRC: Scheduling for Sprinkler Design

Advanced | Landscape (1.5 CEUs)

Online course from the Irrigation Training & Research Center.

This module contains four tutorials that discuss scheduling irrigations after you have designed a system. The course teaches when to water, how much to water and what to expect from a system controller. This class does not qualify for TCEQ. This class does count for 1.5 New Jersey CECs/WC and 1.5 North Carolina CEs.

NOTE: Instructions for accessing class should be emailed within 5 minutes of purchase


Keeping Water on Target: Impacts on Uniformity & Efficiency

IA Industry Development Director Brent Mecham, CID, CLWM, CIC, CAIS, discusses nozzle performance and different methods for measuring landscape water application. Learn about the different factors that could be affecting irrigation efficiency, including distribution uniformity, losses to overspray and deep percolation.

This session is worth one CEU in the Tier 1 - Irrigation Training category.
Electronic product available for immediate access

Keys for Maintaining Efficiency of a Drip or Microirrigation System

This webinar will cover the Irrigation Consumer Bill of Rights, the importance of system maintenance, some common mistakes that are made in design and operation, and a glimpse into irrigation scheduling.
Electronic product available for immediate access

Landscape and Lighting Conference 01-11-21

Let’s put landscape lighting in the spotlight. If lighting is part of your business — or if you want it to be — this virtual landscape lighting conference is for you. Hear today’s top lighting experts discuss the latest trends and best practices used in this booming industry and see some of the latest products during our lighting product showcase.
Electronic product available for immediate access

Landscape Irrigation Design Within AutoCAD • Advanced

This course is aimed at attendees of the earlier training class (CAD Basics • Learning How to Draft in AutoCAD) or for those who are familiar with the use of AutoCAD. Learn the ins and outs of the tools available for designing irrigation within AutoCAD.

Electronic product available for immediate access. The recorded webinar will be available for 90 days after activation.

Electronic product available for immediate access

Landscape Technology Conference • March 3, 2021

Technology is changing the way green industry companies do business, and this conference focused on the latest technological advancements in the landscape irrigation industry and how they can improve an irrigation system’s water efficiency and effect overall sustainability.
Electronic product available for immediate access

Leadership Summit • Feb. 10, 2021

Strong leadership has kept our industry viable and essential during challenging times. This summit provided insights to help current business executives build skills for success in leading projects, teams and organizations, while identifying the common traps that many business leaders fall into.
Electronic product available for immediate access

Leveraging IoT for Ag Data

To feed a predictable world population of 9.9 billion by 2050, an increase of more than 25% from the current 2020 population of 7.8 billion, food production will need to be increased significantly. In addition to population growth, food production will have to meet the demands of swelling urban sprawls, increased income levels and continued use of crops for bioenergy and other industrial purposes. To achieve this projected growth target in food production, agriculture will have to rely on technology more than ever.

Electronic product available for immediate access. The recorded webinar will be available for 90 days after activation.

Electronic product available for immediate access

Managing Nebraska’s Irrigation Water Use in the Cloud

The Twin Platte Natural Resources District manages the use of groundwater for irrigation of approximately 320,000 acres in central Nebraska. They have embarked on an ambitious water data project that will leverage multiple cloud-based platforms and a state-of-the-art data communication network, collecting data on water use and water levels and evaluating water use and water supply automatically. Water managers will automatically receive updates on the status of water supplies and water uses, allowing for real-time water management decisions that historically took years to make and implement. For the first time both the irrigators and water managers in the TPNRD will have their finger on the pulse of the aquifer, being able to continuously monitor and adjust based on current data and information, marking a true paradigm shift from reactive to proactive water management.

Electronic product available for immediate access. The recorded webinar will be available for 90 days after activation.

Electronic product available for immediate access

Marketing Your Business on Social Media

This webinar will discuss how to market a business on social media. Social media platforms that will be discussed include Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. Learn how to create content for a business and what attracts the eye of clientele — new and returning.
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Methods and Materials for Restraining Pipes and Fittings

This webinar discusses the various options available for restraining irrigation pipe and their associated fittings, both above and below ground. Topics include thrust blocking and joint restraint as well as when restraint is required and when it is not. The various types of pipe and how their restraining requirements are different will be discussed. Details will be shown to illustrate how the types of restraint should be installed and calculations for proper sizing of the restraints. We will also discuss why restraint is needed and the consequences of improperly or not restraining the pipe and fitting system. This webinar is worth one CEU in the Tier 1 - irrigation training category.
Electronic product available for immediate access

Microirrigation Issues & Common Treatment Programs

As many irrigation systems are being converted over to a microirrigation framework, and with the introduction of the Food Safety Modernization Act, farms are now seeing issues that have not surfaced in the past. This leads to potential losses in crop production/recalls of product from either plugging, biofilms and/or diseases. We will discuss how to mitigate or eliminate these potential issues revolving around microirrigation systems.

Electronic product available for immediate access. The recorded webinar will be available for 90 days after activation.

Electronic product available for immediate access

Mobile Drip Irrigation Demonstration Results

This webinar will review the use of mobile drip irrigation as an irrigation application device for center pivot systems. MDI is a surface dripline that can be attached to center pivot systems. Webinar highlights include: an overview of Kansas irrigation situation and sprinkler packages, a history of MDI-type application packages, research studies at Kansas State University, a comparison of spray options and MDI at various irrigation capacity systems, Water Technology Farm demonstrations (including evaluation of various commercial farm technologies at the field scale), management quirks, observations, and initial conclusions.
Electronic product available for immediate access

Multiple Methods of Irrigation Installation

Irrigation installation job sites are becoming more and more complex. Underground rights-of-way are congested with underground utilities, and yards are increasingly populated with potential landscape, hardscape or environmental hazards. One installation method that contractors are turning to is vacuum excavation. As a low impact and flexible option, vacuum excavators are becoming increasingly popular in urban job sites. When pairing vacuum excavation with traditional installation methods like trenching and excavating, contractors can take on more jobs and increase profitability. Vacuum excavation and traditional installation methods complement each other and should be mutually beneficial. Vacuum excavators are not there to replace trenchers and excavators but to supplement where traditional methods can’t go.

Electronic product available for immediate access. The recorded webinar will be available for 90 days after activation.

Electronic product available for immediate access

Organizational Development: Bucking the Trend

Why is it that some companies grow to market leadership while others get stuck along the way? Only a small portion of landscape and irrigation companies grow beyond a million dollars, and of the ones that do, most get stuck never realizing their business dreams. It’s not enough to be able to install or service an irrigation system. Being a great irrigation technician will only get you so far. The key to business and financial success is in becoming a great irrigation businessperson. Great businesspeople understand how to build an organization that provides structure and a process that will empower their teams.

Electronic product available for immediate access. The recorded webinar will be available for 90 days after activation.

Electronic product available for immediate access

Power Quality & Pumps ... Is Your Power Killing Your Pumps?

This webinar will discuss electrical power quality as it relates to pumps and motors. We will explore potential power issues and how they affect pump performance and the life span of the pump motor. Learn the proper way to calculate the voltage and current asymmetry and the proper method to balance the available power on a three-phase installation. Participants will learn how to detect power anomalies and potentially how to correct them. In this presentation we will also cover motor protection devices that can provide a level of protection from these power issues. Finally, we will discuss how telemetry can be used to monitor power at an installation.

Electronic product available for immediate access. The recorded webinar will be available for 90 days after activation.

Electronic product available for immediate access

Precise Irrigation With Actionable Insights From Satellites

Farm-level satellite data has been available for decades, but it has often been in forms that are not easily translatable into actions a farmer must take on the farm. Usually, the data requires expert analysis and additional calibrations specific to local contexts for agronomical insights to be derived.
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Preparing for & Responding to a Down Economy

This webinar will dissect and analyze the four major functional areas of a landscape irrigation company, while offering unique and industry-specific approaches to the philosophies, methodologies, systems and strategies that every company needs to survive.

Electronic product available for immediate access. The recorded webinar will be available for 90 days after activation.

Electronic product available for immediate access

Pressure Regulation & Check Valves for Landscape Irrigation

This webinar discusses how pressure regulation and check valves help conserve water resources. Pressure regulation can be achieved in several different ways: at the point of connection, at the valve or at the sprinkler head. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. Check valves help prevent low-head drainage that empties lateral pipes unnecessarily and likewise can conserve water used in the landscape.
This session is worth one CEU in the Tier 1 - Irrigation Training category.
Electronic product available for immediate access

Pumping System Audit Identifies $19kPa Electricity Saving

Pumping system audits can identify huge operating cost savings for farmers, but pumping system audits involve more than just testing the pump. This case study will present the significant savings realized from upgrades to the pumping and distribution systems that resulted in an ROI of 2.4 years on the capital improvements.

Electronic product available for immediate access. The recorded webinar will be available for 90 days after activation.

Electronic product available for immediate access

Pumps for Irrigation

This webinar will focus on the most common types of pumps typically used in turf and landscape irrigation. The presentation will cover the basic operating principles of these pumps as well as the mechanical and performance differences between them. The importance of collecting accurate job site information critical to selecting the correct pump for the irrigation application will be discussed. Special consideration for pump site conditions, installation and maintenance will also be presented.
This webinar is worth one CEU in the Tier 1 - Irrigation Training category
Electronic product available for immediate access

Rainwater Harvesting: Your Only Water Source

Learn how to design and live on rainwater harvesting as your sole source of water. Sustainable Homes Inc. has built over 100 homes that use rainwater harvesting for all domestic, landscape and swimming pool needs. Learn the benefits of rainwater and how it relates to water management, native plant design and drought-tolerant turf.

Electronic product available for immediate access. The recorded webinar will be available for 90 days after activation.

Electronic product available for immediate access

Refining the Landscape Watering Coefficients for Your Sites

This webinar reviews practical steps toward conserving water in irrigated landscapes in regions with dry climates. Proven approaches for verifying the adequacy of given irrigation management practices will also be discussed. The intent is to provide managers with increased confidence for making appropriate adjustments to their watering strategies.

This session is worth one CEU in the Tier 1 - Irrigation Training category.
Electronic product available for immediate access

Retaining the Right People at the Right Time

Employee retention is not a one-size-fits-all program. You need to know what motivates each person to stay, their career goals and other key drivers in their career. Additionally, companies need to consider if they want to retain an individual. It might be time to let them go, even if they have been a great performer for years. Over her almost 20 years in human resources, Karen Weeks has worked with managers and leaders to help retain the right people at the right time. In this webinar, she will share her learnings and stories and provide actionable tips for the audience that they can use back at work the next day.

Electronic product available for immediate access. The recorded webinar will be available for 90 days after activation.

Electronic product available for immediate access

ROI of Improving Drip Irrigation System Distribution Uniform

This session will discuss the magnitude of drip irrigation in the United States and California and the importance of using distribution uniformity measurements to assess existing drip irrigation system performance. We'll discuss how DU is measured, the results of DU measurements taken to date in California and the potential implications of poor DU in terms of input costs, foregone yield/quality and environmental implications. Attendees will also learn about two efforts underway to improve poor on-farm drip irrigation system DU.
Electronic product available for immediate access

SDI-E — Maximizing Profit & Nutrient Utilization Including Dairy Effluent for Corn, Wheat and Alfalfa Production With Drip Irrigation Systems as a Nutrient Delivery Method

Adoption of drip systems, not only for irrigation but as a nutrient delivery tool, continues to demonstrate an attractive ROI across the United States. Row crop producers are finding that their ability to manage timing of nutrients and water awards the benefit of a significant increase to their bottom line. In the past four years, subsurface drip irrigation for effluent (SDI-E) has proven to be a more sustainable and profitable method for concentrated animal feeding operations to dispose of lagoon water and reduce commercial fertilizer costs. This webinar includes a panel of industry researchers and leading growers that are using SDI-E in their farming operations to increase yields, water and nutrient efficiency, and profitability, as well as create a more environmentally sustainable operation. They will discuss nutrient application strategies and irrigation management practices in detail and show how that results in an attractive ROI on drip systems.

Electronic product available for immediate access. The recorded webinar will be available for 90 days after activation.

Electronic product available for immediate access

Soil-Water Relationships & How They Relate to Irrigation Scheduling

This webinar will focus on the importance of understanding how to schedule each irrigation application to meet the moisture requirements of the plant material. Join in as we step through the environmental, system design and resource considerations associated with scheduling irrigation in both agricultural and landscape scenarios. The webinar will also review the practical use of technologies designed to help with determining irrigation schedules.
Electronic product available for immediate access

Solar Pumping Basics

This webinar will look at the projected growth of the solar market, types of pumping systems and components that operate with solar arrays, as well as some general details in sizing solar-powered pumping systems, wiring and system maintenance.

Electronic product available for immediate access. The recorded webinar will be available for 90 days after activation.

Electronic product available for immediate access

Sustainability of Irrigated Agriculture in the Central Valle

The Central Valley of California is one of the most productive agricultural regions in the world due to its fertile soils, Mediterranean climate and water distribution infrastructure, but long-term sustainability of irrigated agriculture in the Central Valley is threatened by several factors. A number of policies have been enacted to mitigate these factors and ensure conservation of natural resources and economic prosperity of the region. However, for growers to be compliant with the regulations while remaining profitable requires adoption of advanced management practices and technologies. Findings from case studies applying these technologies in various crops grown in the Central Valley will be presented. Overall, sustainability of irrigated agriculture in the Central Valley of California will depend on building partnerships between growers, coalitions, regulators and other stakeholders including environmental justice groups.

Electronic product available for immediate access. The recorded webinar will be available for 90 days after activation.

Electronic product available for immediate access

Sustainable Irrigation: An Integrated Approach

With the changing elements of agriculture and a growing population to feed, mechanized irrigation for water use efficiency and sustainability is becoming more important for global food production and grower economics. Many tools are available to determine soil, crop and environmental conditions, generating large amounts of data. A grower can be overwhelmed with how to manage this data, how to apply it to their situation, and the necessary tools to truly improve their water use efficiency and help insure sustainability. Mechanized irrigation has long been challenged by the industry to provide an integrated and strategic approach, combining rich available data with advanced mechanized control technology.

Electronic product available for immediate access. The recorded webinar will be available for 90 days after activation.

Electronic product available for immediate access

Testing Ag Performance Solutions in the Oklahoma Panhandle

The testing ag performance solutions (TAPS) project involves producers in research by applying their management decisions to replicated plots of irrigated corn. It allows producers to select the corn hybrid, population, pre-plant N rate, fertigation rates of N and irrigation water application. Commercial decision support tools such as soil moisture probes, plant growth sensors and aerial imagery are provided to participants to aid in their decision-making. This provides an opportunity for service providers to demonstrate their products in an interactive demonstration. The goal of the project is to maximize efficiency and profitability, instead of simply maximizing yield.

Electronic product available for immediate access. The recorded webinar will be available for 90 days after activation.

Electronic product available for immediate access

The Hidden Issues of Using Nonpotable Water Sources

Nonpotable water not only includes reclaimed or treated water but also stormwater, water from lakes and ponds, and even some wells because it is not suitable for drinking. In many parts of the country, state regulations require that the source for irrigation water be the lowest quality available to the site because of the increasing demands on the potable water supply. The use of these nonpotable sources comes with an increased number of complications that can be detrimental to the performance of the irrigation system if not identified. This webinar will help landscape and irrigation contractors recognize and deal with these potential obstacles.
Electronic product available for immediate access

Top Lighting Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

There are many right ways to design and install landscape lighting, but there are a lot more ways to get it wrong. Take home a few tips and tricks for installing lighting that will save you hours of headaches and potentially thousands of dollars in damaged property and product. When it comes to wiring systems together, there are a few tools and products you may want to know about, as well as a few you should probably avoid. Our lighting experts have learned the hard way which ones are which and will share the goods. Bad lighting is real, and if you don’t know it when you see it, you may be part of the problem. You’ll learn what to look for and how to avoid the most “glaring” mistakes.

Electronic product available for immediate access. The recorded webinar will be available for 90 days after activation.

Electronic product available for immediate access

TPNRD Water Data Program

The Twin Platte Natural Resources District manages groundwater resources in an area around North Platte, Nebraska. A collaborative effort that was irrigator initiated is changing the landscape of how to gather water data for use in more accurate groundwater assessment and management. TPRND partnered with GiSC, a grower-owned data cooperative, to build the TPNRD-Water Data Program based around smart water meters at every irrigation well. It is a large-scale collaborative effort with TPNRD, GiSC, electric providers in the district, Olsson Civil Engineering, Paige Wireless and irrigators to make this happen. It is an opportunity for irrigators to tell their story and for TPNRD to gather the most extensive set of real-time pumping data ever accumulated utilizing IoT devices.

Electronic product available for immediate access. The recorded webinar will be available for 90 days after activation.

Electronic product available for immediate access

Two-Wire Troubleshooting

Presented by Craig Borland, CIC, CID, CIT, CLIA, CLWM, The Toro Company Discover the latest techniques to evaluate and troubleshoot problems with two-wire control systems. Learn the basics of how two-wire systems operate, the tools required to diagnose problems and how to use those tools to successfully locate and fix issues and become more efficient in troubleshooting two-wire control systems. This course runs interactively in the learning management system and is not downloadable. Please note that you may receive credit only once per renewal period for this training.
Electronic product available for immediate access

Understanding Pressure Regulation

Irrigation systems are designed to distribute a predetermined amount of water over a specific area. Applicators operate within a specific range of flows and pressures. Discover the basics of pressure regulators and learn how to install pressure regulation in different types of irrigation systems. Presented by Mark Fletcher, CID, CAWM, CAIS, CIT, Senninger Irrigation & Gene Ross, CID, Nelson Irrigation
Electronic product available for immediate access

Upgrading Points of Connection for Master Valves & Flow Sensors

This webinar describes some of the equipment options and design considerations associated with upgrading existing irrigation water source points-of-connection to provide master valve and flow sensor capabilities.
Electronic product available for immediate access

Use of Satellite Imagery to Calibrate Crop Coefficient

Crop coefficients (Kc) are widely used for predicting crop evapotranspiration for irrigation management; however, the spatial and temporal variation of Kc for different crops can significantly affect ET estimation. Using satellite imagery to calibrate Kc has the potential to solve the issue due to cloud-based technologies and high-resolution satellite imagery being more cost-effective.
Electronic product available for immediate access

Using Soil Moisture Sensors

This webinar discusses the most commonly used methods to measure soil moisture and how the sensors work. It helps individuals understand how the sensor is an electronic root that gathers soil moisture data and what the data means. This webinar is worth one CEU in the Tier 1 - irrigation training category.
Electronic product available for immediate access

Using the Indicator Plant Method to Calculate Drip Emitter Requirements

The typical landscape bed is designed with plants having different irrigation water requirements, yet they are all on one irrigation zone. This webinar will use the indicator plant method of selecting the flow and quantity of emitters per plant-water-use type to apply the required amount of water for each plant. This method can also be used for line source drip and even mixing different types of overhead irrigation. (Don’t tell the irrigation police!)
Electronic product available for immediate access

Utilizing Low-Cost Technology in Agriculture

This webinar focuses on applied research and demonstration related to traditional industry standard technology, while looking for ways to reduce the costs of scientific instrumentation to provide more options to agricultural decision-makers. The session will discuss drones, low-cost water samplers for edge-of-field monitoring, temperature and humidity, soil moisture sensors, and soil infiltrometers. All of these tools are designed to be internet-connected via Wi-Fi or cellular modems.
Electronic product available for immediate access

Valve Applications for Mechanized Irrigation

This webinar will present real-world examples of new technology in common valve applications in the mechanized irrigation industry that will increase efficiency and reliability for the grower.

Electronic product available for immediate access. The recorded webinar will be available for 90 days after activation.

Electronic product available for immediate access

VFD Pump Operation

Learn the basics of variable frequency drive pump operation, advantages of VFD and diagnosing problems. This webinar will include a review of how pumps move water, how electric motors work, how VFD effects the pump's performance, and how to add system logic to pump performance.
Electronic product available for immediate access

Water Conservation Approaches in Turfgrass Systems

Two different approaches of water conservation will be discussed during this webinar, based on information obtained from two separate research projects at Kansas State University. Project 1: Subsurface drip irrigation is increasingly popular because of its potential for conserving and uniformly distributing water. We investigated the effects of straw and poly-mesh germination blankets in combination with SSDI on germination and establishment of tall fescue turfgrass. Under ground covers, soil temperatures were 5-7 degrees higher and erosion during rainfall was reduced, resulting in uniform and faster germination of tall fescue compared with no ground covers. Project 2: Irrigation strategies typically rely on calendar or evapotranspiration schedules that completely ignore soil moisture. Our research approach is to integrate the components of the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum by utilizing sensor-based technology to determine turf canopy responses to soil water deficits and to improve irrigation decisions. Water savings of 70% have been achieved using this approach.
Electronic product available for immediate access

Water Conservation in Irrigation

This webinar will focus on the practical understanding of existing irrigation system components and their correct operation. A properly operating system combined with a reasoned approach to controller management should yield to water conservation while maintaining plant health.
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Water Hammer and Maintaining Basic Hydraulics

This webinar will cover a review of system hydraulics, including hydraulic grade, pressure, elevation and friction loss. This webinar will help you understand what water hammer is; why it happens and how it affects irrigation systems; what can be done to prevent or mitigate the effect of water hammer, including good system design practices. This webinar is worth one CEU in the Tier 1 - Irrigation Training category
Electronic product available for immediate access

Wi-Fi Controllers for Landscape Irrigation

This webinar recognizes the popularity of Wi-Fi enabled controllers and the advantages and opportunities this technology brings to the landscape irrigation market. Brent Mecham, IA's Industry Development Director, moderates a discussion with Wi-Fi enabled controller experts, Chris Klein of Rachio, Inc. and Stuart Eyring of Hydro-Rain, Inc.
Electronic product available for immediate access

Wi-Fi Controllers in Irrigation

Communication technology is changing the face of landscape irrigation systems by allowing us to have easy, remote access to our irrigation controllers. This webinar will explore this technology, how it will impact the irrigation contractor and what the future might hold for the industry.
This webinar is worth one CEU in the Tier 1 - Irrigation Training category
Electronic product available for immediate access

Wi-Fi: What You Need to Know to Look Like a Pro

In this webinar, you will learn the key fundamentals of the world of Wi-Fi and connected devices as they apply to green industry professionals. Learn what you need to know to look like a pro in the field and exude confidence with connecting and managing connections. We will break down the language of the Internet of Things and go over how to identify network signal strengths, Wi-Fi bandwidth and channels so you can offer the best technology to your customers and crew without the headaches.

Electronic product available for immediate access. The recorded webinar will be available for 90 days after activation.

Electronic product available for immediate access