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Showing 1 - 24 of 24 Results

An Innovative & Efficient Way to Collect PSI for Drip Audits

Learn a fast, easy and efficient way to collect pounds per square inch while performing drip audits or assessments. The IA recommends collecting psi from three points within the drip system during a drip irrigation audit. The traditional way of using a sharpened pitot tube creates waste, is time-consuming and is not the most efficient method. With this DIY, easy-to-build drip psi testing tool, you can check your three psi areas within minutes and move on to the next zone without losing a drop of water. Perhaps you are not performing a drip audit, but the system has issues that you need to figure out. With this tool, you place the rubber tip up against the orifice of the drip emitter or emitter tubing outlet, and you can move from emitter to emitter with great ease without wasting any water or poking a single hole. A psi reading is immediate and can help you quickly assess where issues are, without making a mess or wasting time.
Electronic product available for immediate access

Drip Irrigation Design for Plant Establishment and Long-Term Maintenance

This webinar discusses how water applied by drip emitters moves through the soil and how soil type affects water movement both horizontally and vertically. Using this information then affects how to design a drip system for plant establishment and also account for long-term plant maintenance. This webinar is worth one CEU in the Tier 1 - Irrigation Training category.
Electronic product available for immediate access

Efficient Irrigation to Produce Cannabinol From Hemp

Hemp (Cannabis sativa) grown for cannabinol (CBD) is a relatively new and rapidly expanding crop. The irrigation criteria requirements to maximize hemp bud yield and cannabinoid contents have not been established. In 2018 we observed hemp production yield losses in Oregon from both excessive and insufficient irrigation. In 2019 we evaluated four progressively drier irrigation onset criteria for drip-irrigated hemp with four replicates. Water use, plant heights, nutrient status, nutrient uptake and bud cannabinoid content were measured over time. Bud yield and cannabinoid content results at harvest were used to estimate water use efficiency for cannabinol production.

Electronic product available for immediate access. The recorded webinar will be available for 90 days after activation.

Electronic product available for immediate access

EXAM: Calgary, AB (All Exams Offered) 1PM 2/28/25

Generic Event Image
Certification candidates must submit an application, pass a written exam and comply with the code of ethics. Cancellation/Refund Policy: Exam cancellations and refund requests must be made in writing at least five business days prior to exam date. Cancellations made after this date will be assessed a cancellation fee. If a candidate fails to appear on the day of the exam, the candidate will forfeit all exam fees and will not be eligible for a refund. The Irrigation Association reserves the right to cancel, postpone or reschedule any certification exam.
Friday, February 28, 2025
City of Calgary Water Centre
625 25 Avenue SE
Calgary, AB T2G 4K8
Register to Calculate
Register to Calculate
Register to Calculate

EXAM: Calgary, AB (All Exams Offered) 8AM 2/28/25

Generic Event Image
Certification candidates must submit an application, pass a written exam and comply with the code of ethics. Cancellation/Refund Policy: Exam cancellations and refund requests must be made in writing at least five business days prior to exam date. Cancellations made after this date will be assessed a cancellation fee. If a candidate fails to appear on the day of the exam, the candidate will forfeit all exam fees and will not be eligible for a refund. The Irrigation Association reserves the right to cancel, postpone or reschedule any certification exam.
Friday, February 28, 2025
City of Calgary Water Centre
625 25 Avenue SE
Calgary, AB T2G 4K8
Register to Calculate
Register to Calculate
Register to Calculate

EXAM: CID General Agriculture at Testing Center Logo_Large.jpg
CID certification candidates must submit an application, comply with the Code of Ethics, and pass the CID General Agriculture and Specialty exams.
Saturday, February 01, 2025
Friday, February 28, 2025
$200.00 - $250.00
$325.00 - $495.00
$325.00 - $495.00

EXAM: CID General Agriculture at Testing Center Logo_Large.jpg
CID certification candidates must submit an application, comply with the Code of Ethics, and pass the CID General Agriculture and Specialty exams.
Tuesday, April 01, 2025
Wednesday, April 30, 2025
$200.00 - $250.00
$325.00 - $495.00
$325.00 - $495.00

EXAM: CID General Agriculture at Testing Center Logo_Large.jpg
CID certification candidates must submit an application, comply with the Code of Ethics, and pass the CID General Agriculture and Specialty exams.
Saturday, March 01, 2025
Monday, March 31, 2025
$200.00 - $250.00
$325.00 - $495.00
$325.00 - $495.00

EXAM: CID General Agriculture at Testing Center Logo_Large.jpg
CID certification candidates must submit an application, comply with the Code of Ethics, and pass the CID General Agriculture and Specialty exams.
Thursday, May 01, 2025
Saturday, May 31, 2025
$200.00 - $250.00
$325.00 - $495.00
$325.00 - $495.00

EXAM: CID Specialty Agriculture at Testing Center Logo_Large.jpg
CID certification candidates must submit an application, comply with the Code of Ethics, and pass the CID General Agriculture and Specialty exams.
Thursday, May 01, 2025
Saturday, May 31, 2025
$200.00 - $250.00
$325.00 - $495.00
$325.00 - $495.00

EXAM: CID Specialty Agriculture at Testing Center Logo_Large.jpg
CID certification candidates must submit an application, comply with the Code of Ethics, and pass the CID General Agriculture and Specialty exams.
Saturday, February 01, 2025
Friday, February 28, 2025
$200.00 - $250.00
$325.00 - $495.00
$325.00 - $495.00

EXAM: CID Specialty Agriculture at Testing Center Logo_Large.jpg
CID certification candidates must submit an application, comply with the Code of Ethics, and pass the CID General Agriculture and Specialty exams.
Tuesday, April 01, 2025
Wednesday, April 30, 2025
$200.00 - $250.00
$325.00 - $495.00
$325.00 - $495.00

EXAM: CID Specialty Agriculture at Testing Center Logo_Large.jpg
CID certification candidates must submit an application, comply with the Code of Ethics, and pass the CID General Agriculture and Specialty exams.
Saturday, March 01, 2025
Monday, March 31, 2025
$200.00 - $250.00
$325.00 - $495.00
$325.00 - $495.00

Fertigation, 2nd Edition

Included are detailed descriptions of injection hardware and techniques, back flow prevention, N, P, K and injection, drip system maintenance, gypsum injection, and specifications for various irrigation methods.
Charles Burt, PE, PhD, Monica Holman, Kris O'Connor and Thomas Ruehr
October 20, 2018

Filtration for Agriculture & Landscape Irrigation

Filtration is an essential component to any drip or micro irrigation system. There are many different types of filtration practices available, and choosing the correct one can make or break your system. Filters help protect your system from plugging and wear, while ensuring you are getting the most out of your irrigation system.
Electronic product available for immediate access

Keys for Maintaining Efficiency of a Drip or Microirrigation System

This webinar will cover the Irrigation Consumer Bill of Rights, the importance of system maintenance, some common mistakes that are made in design and operation, and a glimpse into irrigation scheduling.
Electronic product available for immediate access

Landscape Drip Irrigation Design & Management, 3rd Edition

This intermediate-level resource for drip design in the landscape includes a review of soils and water availability. It provides background and guidelines for emitter spacing, emitter flow rates and system design, including wetting pattern of emitters. The book also includes guidelines for installation and maintenance, access to Excel spreadsheets for drip system design and information about microsprinkler design.
Irrigation Association
September 20, 2016

Mobile Drip Irrigation Demonstration Results

This webinar will review the use of mobile drip irrigation as an irrigation application device for center pivot systems. MDI is a surface dripline that can be attached to center pivot systems. Webinar highlights include: an overview of Kansas irrigation situation and sprinkler packages, a history of MDI-type application packages, research studies at Kansas State University, a comparison of spray options and MDI at various irrigation capacity systems, Water Technology Farm demonstrations (including evaluation of various commercial farm technologies at the field scale), management quirks, observations, and initial conclusions.
Electronic product available for immediate access

ROI of Improving Drip Irrigation System Distribution Uniform

This session will discuss the magnitude of drip irrigation in the United States and California and the importance of using distribution uniformity measurements to assess existing drip irrigation system performance. We'll discuss how DU is measured, the results of DU measurements taken to date in California and the potential implications of poor DU in terms of input costs, foregone yield/quality and environmental implications. Attendees will also learn about two efforts underway to improve poor on-farm drip irrigation system DU.
Electronic product available for immediate access

SDI-E — Maximizing Profit & Nutrient Utilization Including Dairy Effluent for Corn, Wheat and Alfalfa Production With Drip Irrigation Systems as a Nutrient Delivery Method

Adoption of drip systems, not only for irrigation but as a nutrient delivery tool, continues to demonstrate an attractive ROI across the United States. Row crop producers are finding that their ability to manage timing of nutrients and water awards the benefit of a significant increase to their bottom line. In the past four years, subsurface drip irrigation for effluent (SDI-E) has proven to be a more sustainable and profitable method for concentrated animal feeding operations to dispose of lagoon water and reduce commercial fertilizer costs. This webinar includes a panel of industry researchers and leading growers that are using SDI-E in their farming operations to increase yields, water and nutrient efficiency, and profitability, as well as create a more environmentally sustainable operation. They will discuss nutrient application strategies and irrigation management practices in detail and show how that results in an attractive ROI on drip systems.

Electronic product available for immediate access. The recorded webinar will be available for 90 days after activation.

Electronic product available for immediate access

Using the Indicator Plant Method to Calculate Drip Emitter Requirements

The typical landscape bed is designed with plants having different irrigation water requirements, yet they are all on one irrigation zone. This webinar will use the indicator plant method of selecting the flow and quantity of emitters per plant-water-use type to apply the required amount of water for each plant. This method can also be used for line source drip and even mixing different types of overhead irrigation. (Don’t tell the irrigation police!)
Electronic product available for immediate access

Water Conservation Approaches in Turfgrass Systems

Two different approaches of water conservation will be discussed during this webinar, based on information obtained from two separate research projects at Kansas State University. Project 1: Subsurface drip irrigation is increasingly popular because of its potential for conserving and uniformly distributing water. We investigated the effects of straw and poly-mesh germination blankets in combination with SSDI on germination and establishment of tall fescue turfgrass. Under ground covers, soil temperatures were 5-7 degrees higher and erosion during rainfall was reduced, resulting in uniform and faster germination of tall fescue compared with no ground covers. Project 2: Irrigation strategies typically rely on calendar or evapotranspiration schedules that completely ignore soil moisture. Our research approach is to integrate the components of the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum by utilizing sensor-based technology to determine turf canopy responses to soil water deficits and to improve irrigation decisions. Water savings of 70% have been achieved using this approach.
Electronic product available for immediate access