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Event Registration - Efficient Irrigation to Produce Cannabinol From Hemp
Thursday, March 25, 2021
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Hemp (Cannabis sativa) grown for cannabinol (CBD) is a relatively new and rapidly expanding crop. The irrigation criteria requirements to maximize hemp bud yield and cannabinoid contents have not been established. In 2018 we observed hemp production yield losses in Oregon from both excessive and insufficient irrigation. In 2019 we evaluated four progressively drier irrigation onset criteria for drip-irrigated hemp with four replicates. Water use, plant heights, nutrient status, nutrient uptake and bud cannabinoid content were measured over time. Bud yield and cannabinoid content results at harvest were used to estimate water use efficiency for cannabinol production. This webinar is worth one CEU in the Tier 1 category.
  • Speaker(s)
    • Clinton C. Shock, PhD
      Professor Emeritus
      Oregon State University
      Clinton Shock has enthusiasm for plants and seeks to use science and education to solve horticultural, environmental and social problems. His research develops economically viable options that are voluntarily implemented by growers. Shock has envisioned and generated win-win solutions to problems such as credit and market access for poor growers in the Brazil, revegetation in the Amazon, "sugar end" of potato in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, groundwater contamination in Oregon, irrigation-induced erosion, and production of specialty crops. As director of an Oregon State University experiment station from 1984 to 2018, he headed cooperative efforts to improve growers' yields and profitability while simultaneously correcting environmental or social problems. This work has resulted in drip irrigation technology options for onion growers and improved water quality in the Treasure Valley of Oregon and Idaho.

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