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Event Registration - Advancing Landscape Irrigation Management
Tuesday, October 06, 2020
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Multiple ongoing landscape irrigation projects have been conducted that explore multiple turfgrass and ground cover trials, all being irrigated autonomously using evapotranspiration-based and soil moisture sensor-based smart irrigation controllers. Tune in for the results of these projects being performed at the University of California Riverside Ag Experiment Station and the University of California ANR South Coast Research and Extension Center by Haghverdi research group. This webinar is worth one CEU in the Tier 1 - Irrigation Training category.
  • Speaker(s)
    • Amir Haghverdi
      Associate Professor
      University of California - Riverside
      Amir Haghverdi, PhD, is an assistant CE professor in the environmental sciences department at the University of California, Riverside. His research focuses on developing and disseminating scientific knowledge, practical recommendations, and tools for sustainable urban and agricultural water resources management. His approaches include field research trials, laboratory analyses and computer modeling, with a goal of identifying opportunities for synergy between research and outreach activities. His current research themes include water conservation, autonomous landscape irrigation management, soil hydrology and precision farming. Haghverdi is also interested in applications of advanced data acquisition and mining techniques, including remote sensing, geographic information systems and global positioning system technologies, machine learning, and wireless sensors. He received his doctorate in biosystems engineering from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville.

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